Friday, February 9, 2007

Internal Blogs

Below are several examples of blogs that exist for internal university communities. They range from overviews of news and events, in general, on campus to those targeted for audiences interested in specific administrative issues (registrarial and deans, for example).
A daily round-up of Eastern Washington University's newsworthy events and happenings
Kansas State University Libraries, News and Events
The Daily Plan-it, Dean of Students Blog, Columbia Journalism School
The Moritz Law Registrar Blog, News for students at the Moritz College of Law at The Ohio State University
Office of the Registrar Knowledge Base, Seattle University

In addition, here’s a great example of how an internal university blog can aid in disaster recovery/networking:
Diáspora Verde, an on-line forum for students and faculty of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese of Tulane University who were forced to evacuate the city of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and its devastating aftermath.

During my web travels I also came across the following link. Many of the guidelines for blog services that we discussed in our group meeting are similar to those outlined here. Check it out when you have a chance! Be sure to click on “Continue reading “How do I get a blog?” to see what they recommend for their personal users:
Princeton’s guidelines for university-hosted blog services